Sunday, September 26, 2010

EHOW and Demand

As many of us know Ehow was recently acquired or is now apart of I was very happy with EHows former structure and writing tools and had several published how-to articles available there to read. EHow allowed you to load your own photos and was nicely structured to allow easy writing of the articles. You did not however have control of the Ads on the site. Yet you did generate income from people visiting your site and clicking on the ads that appeared there.

Since the merger EHow is difficult to use and the common interface is gone or changed. Demand is a pain to write for their structure is writing entirely in MLA format citing everything as someone Else's idea even your own pictures are impossible to load. I have ceased writing for EHOW and due to these limitations but my articles are still situated there for the time being.

You may like the structure however so I advise you to check it out your self or try HubPages a much more relaxed blogging type site where you can earn income much easier than at EHow or Demand the choice is yours.

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